Very well said!

I loved your realistic approach towards whatever happens in life and your positivity about your capacity to change whatever is not pleasant ♥️

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I just went to SF for a week pre ETH Denver. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised - much better than I had ever imagined. Now flying to NY to see the other side.

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Hi Kasra! I came across your substack through the post about long term friendships. I think about them a lot and I've felt guilty, even inadequate about not having a lot of long term friendships at times. It was a lovely post that gave me a lot of validation. And I like what you said about consistency, which is sometimes rare in big cities when everyone has to be everywhere. As someone who's been in SF for quite some time, there've been times when I felt I fell out of love with SF, so this post is a nice reminder that it is a lovely city and I do feel peace and quiet here, some people do show up to things weeks after weeks and it makes the city feel like a small village. That said, I still can't get over the fact that people here try to optimize EVERYTHING like it's a B2B Saas workflow.

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thanks Carissa!

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I appreciate the theory of change question. A lever I think is so important to address is mental health and ways of optimizing tech to support it

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:) heidegger time soon

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I love the reflection on identity. Such a real conversation to have 🫶🏾

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thanks for reading Praise hope you're well!

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This was so beautiful to read. And, love the pic, too. It's stunningly gorgeous 😍

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epic quote at the end, hope we have you for a long while <3

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Wow, so well expressed! This is exactly how I feel about living in San Francisco. When people ask me what it’s like, I’m going to send them this :)

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Unusual, curious people hosting interesting events sounds exactly like my kind of crowd! I appreciate you posting this, I only know SF through the people I meet in NYC, which is clearly a biased source. It's good to know that the parts I love about my life in NYC are just a taste of what's happening on the other coast!

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