I've always wondered about this too. I imagined having the superpower to access the minds of people, not to escape myself but out of sheer curiosity. And I imagined it might be a little terrifying, because there are billions of minds out there and not every thought is a good thought. But if I were given even the shortest moment to be someone else, I might be able to understand more the actions and inactions of people. I think the closest I could get is reading journals such as Plath's and other diarists'. But even then, it's still impossible to fully grasp their individuality. How do they think the way they think, why they act the way they act, etc. Although there is also that belief that we are all interconnected. They say it's all written. That everything is exactly as it should be, but does that mean there really is no freedom because we are bound to fate, whatever that is? Ah, it makes me think too.

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This is written so beautifully, thank you!

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thanks cherie!

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don’t fret! every moment you get to be someone else 😉

one fun thought experiment about the dreamlike nature of reality-- why don’t clocks shapeshift every time you look at them? how do we know that’s not what’s happening? it’s just every time we look at the clock, we experience memory of how a clock used to be. that memory matched how the clock seems to be now. but it could be the case that the clock is indeed shapeshifting every moment, but so are our memories of what “clock” is... there’s nothing outside the dream to reference. it could all just be nonsequitur random disconnected moments in time we’re experiencing. but each non sequitur moment comes preloaded with memories that make it appear to follow.

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ha, it's a good point, one Boltzmann brain moment after another

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